Yeoni’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


Ddani’s Plastic Surgery Real Review


(Double Jaw surgery + Rhinoplasty)




Protruded mouth..

Expressionless dull face..


But now,,!

I found my confidence after plastic surgery at Banobagi!^^


Here is overall progress for my dramatic change!








This is my photo before the surgery.

I hated my profile because of my protruded mouth,

so I covered it with my hair 24/7..T.T


As I was not comfortable with showing my face,

I lost confidence and had low self-esteem..


And I found Banobagi which will change my life, so I decided to go for it!







This is the day of the double jaw surgery!

I was talking with Dr.Oh in the operation room with me lying down,

then I woke up in the recovery room~


The nurse told me that my swelling isn’t bad

compare to other patients who have done the double jaw surgery~


I really didn’t have much swelling, which is good ^^

I had difficulties going to sleep on first nigh because I couldn’t breathe well.







I got stitch out!^^

Massage therapy at the clinic made my skin better^^

I should wear the face band from now on for deswelling!!!!!







14 days after double jaw surgery~

This photo is taken right after face band~

I look chubbier in he photo T.T

My mouth and nose is bit awkward but when swelling subsides,

I will look prettier, right?



I feel stinging sometimes, but when I asked the surgeon,

he said that means I am healing correctly!


I exercise little by little and also eat something I can drink^^







I hear others saying I look younger than my age now!

I was asked to show my identification card because I look too young!


Omg, this was the first time in my life asked for identification !!

I always look old, that no one ever tried to ask if I was minor!


When I was in elementary, people thought I was in high school,

When I was high school student, people thought I was in my 20s..


It is actually new world for me after double jaw surgery, how I look younger!!






Before/ After


Wow.. I look about 10 years younger than before……. Hahaha


I met my relatives for the first time after surgery,

and they were all surprised and complimented how much I got prettier!!!!


But I was getting used to my changed look, so I told them not much changed,,

But they said,, I look like a different person!!


By comparing the photos,, I DID change a lot…. True true







I love taking selfies these days~

I never thought that I would have fun taking selfies,,


Sometimes, I even forget that I got surgery done!! haha







You know I mentioned I never wanted to put my hair up before the surgery, right?


But now, people say I look better with my hair up!!

I never got complement for my appearance,,


So I am sooo happy to hear that I look pretty…T.T


I can open my mouth as wide as two fingers in ^^



I met one of my friends who I haven’t met in years.

She was so surprised to see my changed look!

I told her I got double jaw surgery with cheekbone reduction ^^


She said my face look so small and also complimented how I am prettier than before,


It felt AMAZING !!!!







There is only one thing I regret from the surgery…..






But I really think I should have got this done when I was younger…








I removed the fats on face and also got rhinoplasty done!


I had bulbous nose with hooked nose before.


Here I go with swelling… T.T

I drank much pumpkin juice and also took a walk often for deswelling~!








1 week after rhinoplasty~

It seems like my swelling is subsiding faster after stitch-out^^

My nose looks somehow sharp! I love it how my nose got higher!

I love my front view and profile !!! ^^







My swelling from nose job is almost gone, and scar is fading away~ ^^





Comparison Before and After Rhinoplasty!


Completely different!!! And my face look smaller~

After one month, I don’t have heavy feeling,

And feel natural like it was mine from the first time~>_<








Everything seems soooooo different after plastic surgery done at Banobagi!


It feels like I reborn after surgery~

I look younger, and prettier!!


I don’t want to think what if I never met Banobagi!! T.T


For those of you who are stressed due to appearance,

or lost confidence because of their look,


Hope you guys can find beauty at Banobagi like me!!


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